Lone Amount | EMI |
5000 | 483.33 |
10000 | 966.67 |
20000 | 1933.33 |
50000 | 4833.33 |
100000 | 9666.67 |
150000 | 14500 |
200000 | 19333.33 |
1) loan can be availed from an amount of Rs. 1000 to Rs.200000.
2) The valuation of the gold ornaments will be done by the company through its authorized valuerers. The cost of valuation will have to be borne by the borrowers.
3) Two colored photographs of gold ornaments are required.
4) Two colored photographs of the borrowers and his/her ID proof are required
5) The loan interest is payable on a monthly basis.
6) In case of non-payment of interest an additional penal charges at the (D2% are application or prtncipal amount from the day of default for the penod the amoum rs in default.
7)in case of non-payment of interest foe 12 months the gold ornenversts weft be said by the company.
8)The borrower has to provide an affidavit declaring the ownership of the ornaments.